Slots - recurring & one-off
When does BSG send out email notifications for slots bookings and who receives them?
Currently, there are 6 default email notification templates for slots bookings each for citizens, service providers, service admin & org admin.
Email notifications for slots bookings are sent when the following scenarios take place:
Create a booking (by Citizen)
Create a booking (by SP)
Update a booking (by Citizen)
Update a booking (by SP)
Cancel a booking (by Citizen)
Cancel a booking (by SP)
In case the service provider has an Alias name, it will be displayed to the citizen everywhere the <service provider> is.
Create a booking (by SP) email template
Service Provider
Service Admin & Org Admin (Subscribed to booking updates)
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Confirmation: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
The following booking has been made.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Accepted
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Confirmation: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
The following booking has been made.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Accepted
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Booking ID: <Booking ID>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Confirmation: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
The following booking has been made.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Accepted
Booking ID: ABC1234
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Create a booking (by Citizen) email template
Service Provider
Service Admin & Org Admin (Subscribed to booking updates)
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Request: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
The following booking request has been received.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Pending
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Request: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
You have received a new booking request.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Pending
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Booking ID: <Booking ID>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Request: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
The service provider has received a new booking request.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Pending
Booking ID: ABC1234
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Update a booking (by Citizen) email template
Service Provider
Service Admin & Org Admin (Subscribed to booking updates)
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Update: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
You have updated the following booking.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Accepted
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Update: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
There has been an update to the following booking by the attendee.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Accepted
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Booking ID: <Booking ID>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Update: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
There has been an update to the following booking by the attendee.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Accepted
Booking ID: ABC1234
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Update a booking (by SP) email template
Service Provider
Service Admin & Org Admin (Subscribed to booking updates)
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Update: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
There has been an update to the following booking by the service provider.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Accepted
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Update: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
You have updated the following booking.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Accepted
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Booking ID: <Booking ID>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Update: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
There has been an update to the following booking by the service provider.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Accepted
Booking ID: ABC1234
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Cancel a booking (by Citizen) email template
Service Provider
Service Admin & Org Admin (Subscribed to booking updates)
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Cancellation: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
You have cancelled the following booking.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Cancelled
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Cancellation: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
The following booking has been cancelled by the attendee.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Cancelled
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Booking ID: <Booking ID>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Cancellation: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
The following booking has been cancelled by the attendee.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Cancelled
Booking ID: ABC1234
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Cancel a booking (by SP) email template
Service Provider
Service Admin & Org Admin (Subscribed to booking updates)
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Cancellation: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
The following booking has been cancelled by the service provider.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Cancelled
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Cancellation: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
You have cancelled the following booking.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Cancelled
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG <Booking update type>: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
<Booking update description>
Booking for: <Service name> - <Service provider name>
Booking status: <Status>
Booking ID: <Booking ID>
Date: <Day>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<booking link>
Do not reply to this email.
Email title: BookingSG Cancellation: Solemnisation - Darren Lum
The following booking has been cancelled by the service provider.
Booking for: Solemnisation - Darren Lum.
Booking status: Cancelled
Booking ID: ABC1234
Date: 21/05/2021
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: 60 Jurong st
Do not reply to this email.
Last updated